Get inspired by these 51+ pedicures to flaunt your fabulous feet this year!

How often do you immerse yourself in fun nail art while ignoring your toes? It’s not something that comes to mind unless you live in a climate where you can wear sandals all year round. Sigh. You can actually get creative with both sets of nails. The fact that toenail designs seem so understated does not diminish their freshness. There are countless alternatives. Imagine how adorable your feet will look in your favorite open-toed shoes!

When it comes to nail art, the focus is always on the nails. They’re easy to customize, attractive when you go out, and you can make adorable boomerang movies with them for your Instagram stories.

This time pay some attention to your toenails. While getting a pedicure and painting your nails in beautiful shades is great, go a step further and add some fun nail art. This is perfect because winter is slowly coming to an end, which means it’s almost time to ditch the boots and closed-toed shoes and replace them with flip-flops, sandals, and open-toe shoes.

Since painting toenails professionally can be quite expensive, we recommend that you choose nail coatings. You can always change new patterns once or twice a week with nail wraps, which are really affordable.

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We’ve compiled some of the best pedicure ideas below that we know you’ll enjoy! Here are 31 toenail designs that deserve to be captured, from meticulous details to abstract patterns. Plus, it takes a little encouragement to give these neglected nail beds some love.

See also 27 Stunning Coffin Nails, Too Beautiful to Ignore

If you love this collection, share this article with your friends! What could be better than walking down the street with your fashionable friends? There are also many more pedicure ideas on our site; feel free to enjoy your time exploring our endless gallery. We guarantee you will find numerous designs to stock up on for many years.

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